Bow Tie Law

Expedited Trials in California

California Code of Civil Procedure 630.01 to .08 allows for expedited one day civil trials, where each side gets three hours to present their case. There are serious waivers, such as motions for directed verdict, motions to set aside the verdict or any judgment rendered by the jury, or motions for[…]

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The Low Speed Chase that Gives Us Admissible Cell Phone Photo after a Warrantless Search

A police officer stopped a car driving with a flat tire, cracked windshield and its bright lights on.  People v. Gorostiza, 2009 Cal. App. Unpub. Lexis 9494 at *1.   The passengers might have been hoping, “There is nothing to see here.”  After stopping the car with the Defendant and two passengers,[…]

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Ethics of e-Discovery (or, Teaching Lawyers Ballet)

“Watching an incompetent lawyer is like watching a clumsy ballerina.”  Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola, February 4, 2009  Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola’s keynote at Legal Tech 2009 had a call to action for lawyers to have certifications and standards of competence regarding technology.  In light of how everyday life[…]

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